Male hamsters have huge testicles according to their body size. Young hamster is more difficult to have sex.
Hamsters do fertilization at different ages depending on the species, but this can be done at the age of 1 month to 3 months. Male hamster fertilization can still perform all his life, but the female does not. Estrous female hamsters had approximately every three days.
Breeding season occurs from April to October, with 1 to 13 children born after a gestation period for 13 to 22 days. 'gestation occurred 16 to 18 days for Syrian hamsters, 18 to 21 days for the Russian hamsters, 21 to 23 days to Chinese hamsters and 23 to 30 for hamster Roborovski.
Hamsters do fertilization at different ages depending on the species, but this can be done at the age of 1 month to 3 months. Male hamster fertilization can still perform all his life, but the female does not. Estrous female hamsters had approximately every three days.
Breeding season occurs from April to October, with 1 to 13 children born after a gestation period for 13 to 22 days. 'gestation occurred 16 to 18 days for Syrian hamsters, 18 to 21 days for the Russian hamsters, 21 to 23 days to Chinese hamsters and 23 to 30 for hamster Roborovski.

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